simple hints for smooth dissertation writing

Dissertation writing can be an extremely tough task for many students, since it requires a plethora of advanced knowledge, time and effort to successfully complete. The good news is that your supervisors have deemed you good enough to step up and tackle the enormous challenge of composing a thesis. Not only that, but you also have our seven simple hints that can make your life easy when you are composing your paper, and make it a smooth ride for yourself. Without further ado, we present to you the seven hints for smooth thesis paper writing.


This is the first hurdle that many students face and subsequently falter at. The aspect of choosing a topic that many students do not properly comprehend is the originality requirement. This misleads students into thinking that their thesis needs to be ground breaking and revolutionary. However, what they fail to realize is that all new and original research builds upon the already existing body of work.

For example, something as simple as improving or critiquing an existing method is deemed to be original and is more than worthy of a dissertation topic. When choosing your topic you should also ensure that it is something you are genuinely passionate about, as this will be reflected in your writing. Don't hesitate and visit our service if you want to get dissertation writing help of the best quality.


You need to conduct meticulous research for your thesis. In your paper, there will be a whole section devoted to ‘literature reviews’, which essentially means that you give the reader an overview of the latest, and most important, research relevant to your topic.

The best way to find good research is by looking at academic journals related to your topic. These will have all the latest literature submitted to them, as well as from the past. You will have to pay a fee to access most journals, but this is well worth the investment. If you do not want to pay, then Google scholar is an excellent alternative.

Another good place for excellent research material is your university’s library. They will host many books relevant to your subject field that you can utilize. An advantage of this is the fact that many times you will not be able to find the research in books on the Internet. Dissertation writing isn't easy at all, however you can always visit for help.

Writing Style

The type of writing you will implement in your thesis is called ‘academic writing’. This type of writing is formal, and you should absolutely avoid sing any informal language or colloquialism. Your writing does not need to use complex vocabulary, you just need to ensure that it is concise and easy to understand the point you are conveying.


The structure of a thesis differs to the usual structure you are used to when writing other college essays. Your thesis should be structured as follows:

  • Abstract
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Findings
  • Conclusion


It is very important to plan your paper, before you begin. You should plan what you want to write for each section as mentioned above. This will be a good frame of reference to have while writing your paper.


Once you have completed your work, you need to go back and proofread it, ensuring that there are no mistakes in your paper. You should tackle the editing section-by-section.

Helpful Links

Writing Tricks


  • Keep your supervisor constantly updated on how you are getting along, and make sure to ask for any help if you need it.

  • If you follow these important tips, then will be able to craft a very successful dissertation that will greatly impress your supervisor. The key is to plan ahead, choose a good topic to write about and to research around the topic well.

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